Next steps

Follow Jesus - Become a Christian

Whether you’re curious about Jesus or you are already a committed follower of Jesus, there’s always a next step to take.

We want everyone to have a personal relationship with Jesus. No matter who you are, or what you have done, Jesus loves you. If you are curious about how to take a first step toward Jesus, if you have already started on the journey, or if you want to grow deeper in the faith we would love to connect with you to help you along the way. Contact us to get started.

Connect with Bethel

We have many opportunities to connect - from being introduced to Bethel to looking to join as a member.

Discover Bethel

Are you new at Bethel? Want to know more about our church? Join us for an opportunity to learn more about Bethel in an informal setting. Our primary purpose is to answer any questions you might have. An overview of our mission and ministries will be shared, combined with a short building tour. Please connect with us and make an appointment to arrange for a Discover tour. 

Please contact us to sign up or to ask any questions. 

Explore Bethel

The first three sessions of our membership class provides the opportunity to explore who we are, what we believe, and how we do ministry as Bethel Church. It is also an opportunity to learn more about the Christian Reformed denomination. Participating in Explore Bethel provides a no-obligation opportunity to consider membership in Bethel Church.

Please contact us to indicate interest and find out when the next Explore Bethel group will be offered.

Church membership classes

Have you been attending Bethel and want to know how to become a member? Do you want to publicly profess your faith in Jesus Christ but aren’t sure how to do that at Bethel? Perhaps you transferred your membership from another church and wonder what’s the same & what’s different? Or maybe, you have been a member for a long time but would like a refresher on what that means?

Let us know if you are interested in learning about the next session.

Choose Community

Join a ministry

At Bethel we have a wide range of ministries that reach specific age groups and generally run 6-10 months per year. Listed here are just a few ideas.  

  • Worship Service Welcome Team
  • Worship Service Greeters
  • Visual Arts
  • Music and sound
  • Library
  • Prayer teams
  • Fellowship – serve coffee after church on Sunday and various other functions
  • Youth of Yesterday
  • Food4Life (anyone)
  • The FUN team
  • More-Than-Meals

Join a mission

Bethel’s motto is “Shining Light, Showing Love.” We do that in our local community and we support those who do that world-wide.  You are invited to provide prayer, support, encouragement, finances and potentially time and travel, to these opportunities and more:

  1. Impact Zambia
  2. Karen Lubbers
  3. New Ground
  4. World Renew

These are not the only organizations we support. Each week there is an offering for a specific organization, which is one way to support them.  Find your passion and work with others to be God’s hands, feet and heart in our world.